Thirty-nine days of Alice in 60 land are now history and there are 8 notable new adventures/experiences logged so far on the way to a goal of 60. Tomorrow will be the next new adventure....flying over the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. That in itself could be very interesting. To be honest, I hope I sleep the entire way, but there is the potential of losing my cookies at 45,000 feet if things get a bit rocky. That too, would be a new experience. . . one I'm sure I would try to forget. To help with the long trip, however, Tiffany loaded my iPod with my most recent favorite songs about trusting God. She also told me about ear plug splitters (I never heard of such a thing...but what a great idea!!) so dad and I can both listen to my iPod at the same time. Can you picture that??I'm sure we will impress the other 60-something passengers with our high tech gadgets! 🤓
Today, I said goodbye to Tiffany as she boarded the church van to begin the first leg of her missions trip to Spain. Yes, I got a bit teary-eyed, after all, she is my baby!! However, all of these experiences are vivid reminders to me of my need to trust God everyday in every situation, when I must let go of the familiar and let God teach me again how He is "Sovereign Over Us". "God Is" my "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" who has "Always Been Faithful to Me" "Through All of It". I will "Trust in You" and "Cast my Cares" on the God of "Angel Armies". I am "Overwhelmed" that "Jesus Loves Me". "All I Have is Christ". The messages in these songs will carry me to London. . . and I am so excited to visit that city where I'm sure many new experiences will bring me closer to that sixty mark!
Thanks for sharing about the challenges of trusting in God that you have been experiencing lately! It is encouraging to hear your vulnerable heart and how God is using you in incredible ways. It's neat to see you and Dad going out of your comfort zones to learn more, stretch yourselves, and build trust to deepen your faith in God. Thanks for the song titles by the way! Love all of them!